Joseph Gocsik Certified Arborist in the State of Florida
Joseph Gocsik FL-9218A is a Certified Arborist through the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) and is also Tree Risk Assessment Qualified (TRAQ) through ISA as well.
Our Tree Surveys Help to Navigate Local Tree Ordinances
Many counties and municipalities in Florida have tree ordinances. We assist clients in navigating the tree ordinances, enabling them to mitigate tree loss efficiently and cost effectively. Our tree surveys can be designed for specific client needs and can provide all types of information regarding individual trees, such as species, size, health, condition of the crown, trunk and roots, etc.
Licenses and Certifications
Joseph Gocsik
Association of Consulting Foresters #1622
Joseph Gocsik
Society of American Foresters
Certified Forester #2924
Joseph Gocsik
ISA Certified Arborist #FL9218A
Joseph Gocsik
Assistance with your Tree Assessment Needs
FES℠ can assist in the determination of mitigation costs through the design of a project before any tree needs to be removed. We also specialize in the design, planning, and implementation of pre-development tree replacement mitigation projects.
Whether you need assistance with an individual tree, or need a tree survey for an entire property, FES℠ is able to assist you with your tree assessment needs.